
1. Legal status

Open Joint-Stock Company.
Full and short name in Russian, Belarusian and English:
  • Открытое акционерное общество «Паритетбанк» (ОАО «Паритетбанк»);
  • Адкрытае акцыянернае таварыства «Парытэтбанк» (ААТ «Парытэтбанк»);
  • Patitetbank, Open Joint-Stock Company (Paritetbank, OJSC)

2. Date of registration

On May 15, 1991, the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus registred Poisk Commercial Bank. On May 5, 2004, Poisk Commercial Bank was renamed into Paritetbank, OJSC.

3. Bank details

  • Legal address: 61A, Kisialiova, Minsk, 220002, Republic of Belarus
  • Telephone: 171
  • S.W.I.F.T. – POISBY2X
  • E-mail:
Taxpayer's Identificaition No. (UNP) – 100233809

Correspondent account at the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus – BY39NBRB32000078200190000000

4. Registration No. 

in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs — 100233809

5. Type of activities

Banking activities

6. Bank holding structure

Paritetbank, OJSC, is not a parent organization of any banking group and (or) holding, and is not a member of of any banking group and (or) holding.

7. Regulatory capital

123 112.0 thousand rubles (as of June 1, 2024) 

8. Paritetbank, OJSC, is a member of Banking Association for Central and Eastern Europe/BACEE

Paritetbank, OJSC, is a regular member of Banking Association for Central and Eastern Europe/BACEE.

9. Banking Services Centres of Paritetbank, OJSC:


Operational Service of Paritetbank, OJSC, in Minsk: 220013, Minsk, pr. Niezalieznasci, 77

Settlement Centre of Paritetbank, OJSC, in Minsk: 2200004, Minsk, pr. Pieramozcau, 19

Banking Services Centre (BSC) No. 2 in Minsk: 220090, Minsk, vul. Hamarnika, 9/4

BSC No. 2, Remote Work Place, in Minsk: 220024, Minsk, vul. Kizavatava, 7/2

BSC No. 5 in Minsk: 220034, Minsk, vul. Babrujskaja, 15

BSC No. 17 in Minsk, 2200002, Minsk, vul. Kisialiova, 61a

RWP, BSC No. 2 in Minsk: 223053, Minsk, Baruliany Rural Council, 74

AO BSC No. 2 Minsk World in Minsk: 220065, Minsk, pr. Mira, 4

BSC "Kamennaya Gorka" in Minsk: 220140, Minsk, vul. Prytytsky , 97 - 463

Viciebsk Region:

BSC No. 1 in Viciebsk: 210605, Viciebsk, prajezd Hohalia, 11-1

BSC No. 1, RWP, in Viciebsk: 210605, pr. Maskouski, 12-63

BSC No. 18 in Navapolack: 211440, Navapolack, vul. Maladzioznaja, 166A

BCS No. 20 in Orsa: 211391, Orsa, vul. Lienina, 20A-9

Hrodna Region:

BSC No. 6 in Hrodna: 230025, Hrodna, vul. Mastavaja, 31 (building of Accent Glove Factory)

BSC No. 19 in Lida: 231300, Lida, vul. Kirava, 4

Brest Region:

BSC No. 15 in Brest: 224030, Brest, vul. Savieckaja, 12

BSC No. 15, RWP, in Brest: 224030, Brest, pr. Maserava, 70

BSC No. 16 in Baranavicy: 225409, Baranavicy, vul. Sovetskaya, 82/1

BSC No. 16, RWP, in Baranavicy: 225320, Baranavicy, vul. Kamsamolskaja, 9

BSC No. 7 in Pinsk: 225710, Pinsk, vul. Piersamajskaja, 10

BCS No. 11 in Stolin: 225510, Stolin, vul. Kamsamolskaja, 9

Mahiliou Region:

BSC No. 8 in Mahiliou: 212030, Mahiliou, vul. Piersamajskaja, 69

BSC No. 12 in Babrujsk: 213827, Babrujsk, vul. Astrouskaha, 48

Homiel Region:

BSC No. 14 in Homiel:  246050, Homiel, pr. Pieramohi, 20-1

RWP, BSC No. 14 in Homiel: 246050, Homiel, pr. Lienina, 29a-2

BSC No. 9 in Zlobin: 247210, Zlobin, vul. Piersamajskaja, 41, office 1-Б

BSC No. 10 in Mazyr: 247760, Mazyr, b-r Junactva, 39Б
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