Supervisory Council

Rasim Ismailov Chairperson of the Supervisory Council

Employment, job position: 
  • Project Supervisor in investments into classic and advanced assets, as well as for operational and legal practice activities
Qualification and career history:
  • Russian State Technological University n.a. K. Tshiolkovski, Economy and Management;
  • July 2027 - present time: investment and project activities;
  • September 2016 - July 2027: cofounder, general director, MOBIIUS, Group of Companies;
  • September 2015 - June 2017: vice-president, Advisor of the Charman of the Management Board, ANKOR BANK OF SAVINGS, JSC;
  • January 2015 - September 2015: CEO, Nano-Finance, LLC;
  • December 2010 - September 2014: executive director, Credit Union, CJSC;
  • 2009 - January 2013: chief editor, 711.ру Independent Web Portal dedicated to insurance issues;
  • 2005 - 2009: development of insurance brokers and online trade of insurance products.

Igor Katibnikov Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory board, member of HR and Remuneration Committee

Qualification and career history:
  • Belarusian State Economic University, specialty: Finances and Loans, economist;
  • February 2019 - March 2022: executive director, Chairperson of the Boards of Directors, Paritetbank, OJSC;
  • July 2003 - August 2017: managing director, Chairperson of the Boards of Directors, Alfa-Bank, CJSC (BELROSBANK Stock Commercial Bank, Closed Joint-Stock Company (renamed as Alfa-Bank-Finance, CJSC, on March 6, 2013 reorganized as acquisition by Alfa-Bank, CJSC, on June 13, 2013)).
Sergey Pavlov Member of the Supervisory Council, member of the Audit Committee

Qualification and career history:
  • Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Federal State Higher Professional Education Institution, economist;
  • February 2020 - May 2024: Chairperson of the Board of Directors, ARENZA-PRO, LLC;
  • 2014 - 2016: Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, RBR AKB, OJSC

Vadim Remizov Member of the Supervisory Board, member of the Risk Committee

Qualification and career history:
  • Moscow State Technical University n.a. N. Bauman, Mytishchinski Branch, Russian Federation, Economy and Management, engineer and economist;
  • Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation - Bank Management;
  • 2019 - 2022: managing director, Sovkombank, PJSC;
  • 2018 - 2019: manager of Moscow Branch, Sovkombank, PJSC;
  • 2015- 2018: Chairperson of the Board of Directors, Bank SKIB.

Iryna Rabyka Member of the Supervisory Board, Independent Director, Chairman of the Risk Committee, member of the Audit Committee

Main employment, job position:
  • Belarusian State Economic University, Associate Professor of  Currency Circulation, Loans and Stock Market Department
Qualification and career history:
  • Belarusian Agricultural Academy of the Order of the October Revolution and the Order of the Red Banner of Labour, specialty: Accounting and Analysis, accounting economist;
  • Research Institute for Economic Issues in Agricultural Complex, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Assistant Professor;
  • In 2003, I. Rabyko was granted a qualification certificate for an auditor of the Ministry of Finances of the Republic of Belarus; in 2004 - a certificate for audit activities in the banking area issued by the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus; in 2014 - IAB certificate;
  • 2010 - present time: Assistant Professor, Chair of Currency Circulation, Loans and Stock Market, Belarusian State Economic University.

Halina Pisarenka Member of the Supervisory Council, independent director, Chairperson of the Audit Committee, member of the Risk Committee
Main employment, job position:
  • As a professor and business coach, H. Pisarenka cooperates with the Institute of Qualification Upgrade and Economic Staff Advancement, Belarusian State University; Institute of Business, Belarusian State University; Centre for Qualification Upgrade of Management Staff and Specialists, Ministry of Finances of the Republic of Belarus
Qualification and career history:
  • Belarusian State Economic University, specialty: Banking, economist;
  • National Institute for Higher Education, State Educational Institution, education manager;
  • September 2014 - August 2020: senior teacher, Chair of Accounting, Control and Finances, Belarusian State Economic University.

Aliaksei Kashpei Member of the Supervisory Board, Independent Director, Chairman of the HR and Remuneration Committee, member of the Risk Committee
Main employment, job position:
  • A project manager in the field of information technologies, strategic planning, international development and corporate finances. A. Kashpei is highly experienced in distributed register technologies, business continuity management systems, M&A transactions
Qualification and career history:
  • Belarusian State University, specialty: Finances and Loans, economist;
  • Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA UK), full member of ACCA;
  • June 2019 - June 2020: director, Braitum, LLC;
  • 2017 - May 2019: deputy financial director, Silver Tower, LLC;
  • 2016 - 2017: deputy development director, Grant Thornton, LLC;
  • 2014 - 2015: director for strategic planning, Alfa-Bank, CJSC.

Approaches to selection of the Supervisory Council members for Paritetbank, OJSC
The Supervisory Council is a collective governing body of Paritetbank, OJSC (further - the Bank). It performs overall management of the Bank's activities and reports to the General Meeting of the Bank's Shareholders.

The Supervisory Council's competence, appointment procedure, activity arrangement, rights and obligations are determined by the legislation and regulated in the Bank's Charter and Bank internal regulations.

The Supervisory Board is elected by the regular (annual) General Meeting of the Bank's Shareholders by cumulative voting, which ensures that opinions of minority shareholders are taken into account.

Persons with an impeccable reputation and high professional qualifications, who are trusted by the shareholders and able to properly fulfill their obligations and make real contributions to the Bank management are elected as the members of the Supervisory Board.

The following criteria are used for assessment of candidates to the Supervisory Board:
  • compliance with qualification requirements and requirements for the goodwill according to Article 109-1 of the Bank Code and to the National Bank;
  • necessary knowledge and experience in financial and (or) business (entrepreneurial), and (or) management, and (or) scientific activities, available time for fulfilment of the member's obligations to the full extent.
To assess a candidate for the position of an independent director, additionally, the criteria established by Part 3 Article 109-1 of the Bank Code are used.

The members of the Bank's Supervisory Board, as well as candidates for the membership in the Supervisory Board, according to the legislative procedures must be assessed for the imposed qualification requirements and requirements for the goodwill established by the legislation and the National Bank.

The National Bank assesses candidates for the position of independent director before they are elected, compliance of other members of the Supervisory Board is assessed by the National Bank before and after their election as the members of the Supervisory Board.

The candidates for the membership in the Bank's Supervisory Council must not have any conflict of interests preventing them from fulfilment of their member's obligations.

Audit Committee
The members of the Audit Committee were approved by Decision No. 5 of the Bank's Supervisory Council as of March 28, 2024:
  • Halina Pisarenka, a member of the Supervisory Council, independent director (Chairperson of the Committee);
  • Iryna Rabyko, a member of the Supervisory Council, independent director;
  • Sergey Pavlov, a member of the Supervisory Council;
  • Sergey Kashko, a manager of the Audit Department;
  • Dzmitry Mashchenski, a responsible official for the internal control, Director of the Internal Control Department.
The Audit Committee held 13 meetings in 2024.

There were also three joint meetings of the Audit Committee of JSC Paritetbank, the Risk Committee of JSC Paritetbank and the HR and Remuneration Committee of JSC Paritetbank; two joint meetings of the Audit Committee of JSC Paritetbank and the Risk Committee of JSC Paritetbank; and two joint meetings of the Audit Committee of JSC Paritetbank and the Committee on Personnel and remuneration of JSC "Paritetbank".

Risk Committee
The members of the Risk Committee were approved by Decision No. 5 of the Bank's Supervisory Council as of March 28, 2024:
  • Iryna Rabyko, a member of the Supervisory Council, independent director (Chairperson of the Committee);
  • Halina Pisarenka, a member of the Supervisory Council, independent director;
  • Aliaksei Kashpei, a member of the Supervisory Council, independent director;
  • Vadim Remizov, a member of the Supervisory Council;
  • Dzmitry Lyskavets, a responsible official in charge of the risk management, Director for risk management;
  • Liudmila Baboryko, a manager of the Prudential and Statistical Reporting Department, Financial Department.
13 meetings of the Risk Committee were held in 2024.

There were also three joint meetings of the Audit Committee of JSC Paritetbank, the Risk Committee of JSC Paritetbank and the HR and Remuneration Committee of JSC Paritetbank; two joint meetings of the Audit Committee of JSC Paritetbank and the Risk Committee of JSC Paritetbank; and one joint meeting of the Risk Committee of JSC Paritetbank and The HR and Remuneration Committee of JSC "Paritetbank".

HR and Remuneration Committee
The members of the HR and Remuneration Committee were appointed by Decision No. 5 of the Bank's Supervisory Council as of March 28, 2024:
  • Aliaksei Kashpei, a member of the Supervisory Council, independent director (Chairperson of the Committee);
  • Igor Katibnikov, a member of the Supervisory Council, Deputy Chairperson of the Supervisory Council;
  • Dzmitry Pankevich, a Deputy Chairperson of the Boards of Directors of Paritetbank, OJSC;
  • Tatsiana Kastsuichenka, a director of the HR Policy Department.
The HR and Remuneration Committee held 22 meetings in 2024.

There were also three joint meetings of the Audit Committee of JSC Paritetbank, the Risk Committee of JSC Paritetbank and the HR and Remuneration Committee of JSC Paritetbank; two joint meetings of the Audit Committee of JSC Paritetbank and the HR and Remuneration Committee of JSC Paritetbank; and one joint meeting of the Risk Committee of JSC Paritetbank."and the HR and Remuneration Committee of Paritetbank OJSC.

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